Investor FAQs

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Where is Richtech Robotics' corporate headquarters?

Richtech Robotics’ headquarters is located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our address is 4175 Cameron St. Ste 1, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103.

Where is the company incorporated?

Richtech Robotics is incorporated in Nevada.

What is Richtech Robotics’ fiscal year?

Richtech Robotics’ fiscal year ends on September 30th and begins on October 1st.

When did Richtech Robotics go public? What was the price?
Richtech Robotics went public on November 17th, 2023 at $5 per share.
How is Richtech Robotics’ stock traded?
Richtech Robotics stock can be purchased through just about NASDAQ’s brokerage firm.


Does Richtech Robotics pay dividends?

Not at this time. However, we may choose to provide dividends in the future.

Transfer Agent

Who is Richtech Robotics' transfer agent?

The transfer agent for our Class B common stock is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Co.